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Welcome to Modern Love,

A place dedicated to revealing artists’ voices in the Washington D.C. area. But also a home dedicated to artists who come from where part of my heart will forever belong, Latin America.

I’ve been a writer for as long as memory serves. What I remember most vividly is that it started in second grade while growing up in Lima, Perú, when I begun writing stories about animals and then reading them out loud to other people.

Then, reality as I knew it changed dramatically. Growing up as a Peruvian/Uruguayan immigrant in America has shaken my worldview as a result of experience. In a way, it has drawn me towards being intrigued by the more artistic and creative aspects of writing. I'm a writer and a linguist with a love for all art forms, including words and style.

Also, in case you were wondering, the "Modern Love" name was taken from the David Bowie song with the same title, which to me screams of finding your own individuality based on what is important to you. 

Creativity needs to be nurtured, seen, exposed, and explored. This is why Modern Love exists. May you find a unique space, worldview, perspective, and new inspiration in Modern Love.

